Life Insurance USA



One of the biggest mistakes we see people make is they save and invest without a plan. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of earning more money, but if you're not careful, you could be leaving money on the table when it comes to social security, tax strategies, and life insurance. However, don't worry if this sounds familiar! With a few simple steps, you can assess your current situation and start planning for the future.


The most important step in preparing to retire is securing your financial future.

If you don’t do this, the consequences can be catastrophic. You could lose everything and not have enough money to live on.

Let's look at an example: Let's say that you have $500,000 in savings when it comes time for you to quit working and start living off of this money full-time. This is a great accomplishment—but what if there's a bad year? What if stocks go down by 50%? In this case, all of your hard work would be for nothing because there wouldn't be enough money left over after taxes were taken out and inflation kicked in!

How to Get Life Insurance If You Have a Chronic Illness or Other Medical Condition

If you have a chronic illness or other medical condition, the insurance company may choose not to offer you life insurance. They will review your medical records and decide if they want to offer you a policy, or they might tell you why they don't think it's safe for them to do so. If they do offer coverage, they will also decide how much coverage to provide.

You can appeal this decision if it doesn't seem fair or accurate based on your current health status. The appeals process is slightly different depending on where you live; consult with an experienced life insurance agent who knows the local rules and regulations for appealing decisions about issuing policies in their region of expertise before filing an appeal letter with the carrier that denied coverage in the first place

Will Life Insurance With a Domestic Partner Work for You?

You can get a policy for your domestic partner.

Your domestic partner is a person of the same or opposite sex with whom you are in a committed relationship. Your domestic partner might be a spouse, civil union partner (same-sex or opposite-sex), or someone who lives with you for at least one year (or two years if one of the two people has children). If you're married but live apart from your spouse, then only the portion of coverage that relates to your own life will apply.

How do I get a life insurance policy for my domestic partner?

Many carriers sell policies that include both spouses on one policy; however, this type of coverage does not work well if there are substantial differences in age between spouses because it means that both people need to be insured for their entire lives even though they may not have many years left together as husband and wife before one spouse passes away first. Instead, if you want more affordable protection against potential financial hardship after losing your spouse while still allowing each person's needs to be met separately over time without having them overlap too closely together throughout retirement savings plans' payout periods (which usually range anywhere between 10 days up through 5 years), consider purchasing separate policies instead!

I Want to Buy Term Life Insurance on My Wife, But She Doesn't Qualify. Now What?

If your wife does not qualify for a life insurance policy on her own, no problem. You can still buy term life insurance on her. As long as you are the owner of the policy and she is the beneficiary, then it is perfectly legal. This applies even if you are not married to each other or even living together (commonly called "cohabiting"). You can purchase coverage for your spouse no matter his/her age or health condition (with some restrictions) if he/she resides with you as part of your household and has an insurable interest in you to receive benefits from your death.

According to this definition from Wikipedia: The insurable interest requirement serves two purposes: it ensures that persons who have no connection to another person will not be able to collect money under their contract; and it prevents people with an insurable interest in another person's death from being able to profit financially by deliberately killing them.[2] For example, if a husband wants life insurance on his wife but they do not live together anymore and do not take care of each other's needs such as financial support, food preparation etc., then they might not qualify since there would be no reason why either party should benefit financially from the other's death.[6][7] In addition, some companies may require additional documentation proving that there is indeed an insurable relationship between both parties before issuing any coverage because certain types of relationships may pose higher risk factors than others do (i.e., murder-suicide cases).

the planning process is not the same for everyone, because your goals are unique.

It is important to understand your unique goals and how to achieve them. We are here to help you put together a personalized plan that will help you get there.

  • Planning for the future of your family

  • Planning for the future of your business

  • Planning for retirement

  • Planning an estate or an inheritance


After reading this piece, you should feel confident in your ability to decide whether or not term life insurance is the right option for you. Once you are ready to move forward with a policy, we’re always here to help! Contact us today if there’s anything else we can do assist in your decision-making process or find out more about how term life insurance works.
