lawyer salary in US

lawyer salary in US

lawyer salary in US

In the United States, the average lawyer salary is $119,000. This means that the average lawyer earns more than $10,000 per month—which makes them one of the highest-earning professions in America!

The reason for this is because most lawyers work in large firms and charge by the hour, so they have the opportunity to make a lot of money per hour if they work long hours.

A lawyer's salary is determined by a number of factors, including the area in which they practice law and their experience. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for lawyers in the United States was approximately $131,160 as of May 2016.

The average lawyer salary in the United States is $141,000. The average salary for a patent attorney is $175,000, while the average salary for an IP attorney is $150,000.

The average lawyer salary is $110,000. But that's just the average: some lawyers make far more than that.
